D&D Icons Of The Realms: Quests from the Infinite Booster Brick (8)

Art.Nr.: WZK96313

Hersteller: WizKids Games

EUR 149,90
inkl. 20 % USt

  • Derzeit nicht lagernd Derzeit nicht lagernd
  • Pre-Order
  • Lieferfrist: ca. 1-3 Werktage nach Verfügbarkeit

Lieferzeit: Laufe Q4 2024


Prepare for Quests from the Infinite Staircase with these 8-count Booster Bricks, featuring creatures from the campaign. Prepare to discover the planes and encounter otherworldly creatures!

Collect all 45 miniatures in our newest set of randomly sorted monsters and creatures, including those found in Quests from the Infinite Staircase and more! This set includes commonly encountered creatures and a few longtime favorites, perfect for building your creature army.


These 45 minis have broad appeal and include both common enemies and fan favorite creatures.
Includes never-before-sculpted creatures.
This fantasy miniature release comes in two product configurations: the Booster & the 8 Ct. Booster Brick.

The Booster (Dimensions 3.75 x 3.5 x 5) will have the following configuration:

1 Large miniature and 3 Medium or Small miniatures. 
Booster Bricks contain 8 Boosters

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